My Feelings Are Hurt: Growing Up as a Highly Sensitive Teenage Boy

By Richard Carlson - FREE e-Book Download

I discovered recently that in my opinion, I had Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD) as a child and teenager. RSD article at Cleveland Clinic. According to the article, RSD isn't an " …officially recognized symptom or diagnosis…" "It is when a person feels intense emotional pain related to rejection." When I wrote my book, I had no idea I had a condition that affected me emotionally. RSD "happens with personality disorders, mood disorders and more." I have paranoid schizophrenia and OCD.


About the Book:

Richard Carlson grew up as a teenager in the 1980s and early '90s. He was teased by his peers, and his feelings were often hurt. He was unaware that he was different from most people; he has a highly sensitive personality trait, which 15 to 20 percent of people, both men and women, are born with. He never realized how sensitive he was until he was nearly twenty-one years old. Unfortunately, because Richard didn't know he was sensitive, he didn’t take rejection well, and his self-esteem was devastated. Indeed, he missed out on a lot as a teenager because of low self-esteem. For more information about this book, visit

About the Author:

Richard Carlson is a highly sensitive person (HSP). He has authored children’s, young adult, and other books. For more information about Richard, visit .

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