Boys are Wonderful: The Feelings and Imagination of a Sensitive Barefoot Boy 12: Poetry and Stories for Children

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About the book: Boys are Wonderful: The Feelings and Imagination of a Sensitive Barefoot Boy 12: Poetry and Stories for Children includes fun poems for boys and girls who are inspired by the imaginative barefoot boy or girl who lives inside us all. Also included are several short stories.

The Mystery of the Huge Chewed Bubble Gum Wad

About the story: Richard, a shy, sensitive, and imaginative boy plays a prank on Elliot, a kid at school in his class. Based on a true story that took place at Donaldson Elementary School in Tucson, Arizona, USA, circa 1983.

Pitch-Black Pool Water

About the story: Richard, a shy, sensitive, and imaginative boy got a surprise when the neighbors decided to clean their swimming pool. Based on a true story that took place in Stormville, Upstate New York, USA, circa 1978.

Grandpa! Grandpa! Grandpa! The Devil Is in the Basement!

About the story: Richard, a shy, sensitive, and imaginative young Christian boy lived with his family in a big city. One day, he was terrified he saw the Devil in the basement. Based on a true story that took place in Brooklyn, New York, USA, circa 1974–1975.

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